![From the Archives: The Night](<!-- debwritesblog.com https://i2.wp.com/debwritesblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/image.img_.jpg?fit=1100%2C619 --> )
I am back again with another post from my archives. This was written in 2011. After reading this, I really wonder what was going through my mind as I penned this down…I really wish…
Souls moan in anguish of our cruelty
Hens return to roost
The goats stop bleating
Birds cease to fly
Men retire to their bosom
And lovers cling to each other
Vehicles seek their parking lot
I sigh
Flow rapidly
Where do I fit?
Woes was welcome
I gaze u-p
And behold the sky
Despite the gloom
There is a ray of hope
The stars
In their tiny shape
Amass the sky
Illuminating my dark soul
Giving me a beam of light