“I’ve never fooled anyone. I’ve let people fool themselves. They didn’t bother to find out who and what I was. Instead they would invent a character for me. I wouldn’t argue with them. They were obviously loving somebody I wasn’t.”
― Marilyn Monroe
There was a period I was away from the blog. Truth was I was preparing for a professional exam and I was so scared and worried at the same time. I was super scared I was going to fail. Everyone I know always make a very big deal about professional exams plus I have not been under an intense exam condition since the late 6 years. I have no idea how it feels like again.
During this period, I stopped blogging so I could concentrate. I even stopped reading non-academic books. Well, it did work but so many things started happening to me then and I couldn’t help but jot them down. I realized that these are life lessons. I almost lost faith, while some were good some were so bad. Over the months, I have managed to edit and I thought to share with you all, my friends.
Life Lesson #1: Trust
Trusting humans is like having so much belief in the weather. It is unpredictable. You can see the clouds turning grey and you’d believe it will be a heavy downpour only to see the sun sieving through your windows the next minute. Humans cannot be trusted because they are also mortals. I placed so much blind trust in people and when I was disappointed, my heart stopped for a moment and I felt so much hate in me. But then, lesson learnt and I had to move on. So now, I have come to a point of not totally taking people for their word. That way, I don’t get disappointed and hurt.
Life Lesson #2 People are watching even when they don’t speak
I am someone who sometimes feel laid back about promoting my blog posts like I should. I sometimes feel some posts are not worth promoting and I wonder why this happen to me. Maybe it’s not just me though. Until a couple of people messaged me about how my writings inspire them, even though they don’t leave comments but how much they’ve been blessed. And imagine my face when they referred to some of these posts I seem to think less of! Do you think you aren’t writing well and you feel like taking a pause? Don’t please, keep pushing it there…there’s someone out there who appreciates it.
Life Lesson #3: There’s a thin line between love and hate, life and death, growth and stagnation!
A very thin line exists between these. One minutes, it is all so good and awesome and a very minute mistake, it all goes boom and you are wondering how it happened. Someone who use to be that one you share all your life secrets with, will suddenly become the one you now avoid having an eye contact with. I would probably reflect more on this in future posts.

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Life Lesson #4: I can only fail once
If you fail twice, then you need to check yourself to figure out what you are doing wrong. You cannot be sure how much you can succeed until you try. I was suppose to write this exam last year, I prepared for it and paid some of the fees but fear of failing will not let me even go into the exam hall. I was so scared of failing I refused to even try. A year later, I told myself it’s either I pass or I pass. I took failure out of the equation and put in my all to do this. And I did excellently well. Till tomorrow, I still ask myself how? Do not be afraid to take steps in life. You either fail or succeed, either ways you know how far you can go and take correction where necessary!
Life Lesson #5: I can actually do without Social Media
I use to tell myself I can’t. Well, maybe that’s the lie I made myself believe. I’d try to stay away from social media for a while and then I’d find myself coming back. While I was away, I actually wanted to not subscribe but because my job entails that I stay online 24/7 because of situations where I had to respond to quick mails or Whatsapp instructions, I had to stay online. So how did I handle the distraction and detox successfully (well, not entirely successful though)? I shared a post on this here.
Life Lesson #6: Love is not overrated
You sometimes don’t see it happening or coming. It just happen. You meet someone and all the ellipses suddenly become magical words. You find your voice and it feels like you are super special. So everyone who think love is a fantasy, find one, let it grow and keep it. You can’t believe in what hasn’t happened to you.
Life Lesson #7: If you are a good person, don’t allow the negative vibes of others affect that
People have made me feel less about myself so much in the past, make me feel like I lick ass too much because I try so hard to please them…never mind, keep at it. It will pay you one day. I’m reaping mine already ?
Which of these can you relate to? Do you have any life lesson you have learnt in such a short period and you wish to share, kindly do so in the comment section.
Thanks for reading. Kindly subscribe to the blog if you haven’t done so already. Also feel free to go through other posts, you are gonna love them.
With Love,
“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”
― Haruki Murakami
Wonderful and inspiring Deb. Thanks for sharing.
I nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award.
Cheers to a better life!
OMG! ? Thank you so much Praise, this means a lot to me. I would check it out ??
And thank you for reading
I couldn’t agree more with all the points you listed…Lesson 3 got me like ??
Thanks for sharing Debs.
Thanks for reading, darling!
I love your blog’s new look ❤️️❤️️❤️️Weldone. I can totally relate to point one “Trust” it’s usually hard pill to swallow if broken, however I still try to give benefit of a doubt. Would try point six again ? If indeed is not Fantacy. Keep the work babe. Lots of love.
Awww, thanks darling. I try to always give a benefit of doubt but it always end up sore, so I just accept I’m not build for that.
It won’t be fantasy ❤️❤️
I like the fact that love met you. May love meet me too. Great post Debs!
Amen ???? Thanks love ❤️
Waoh this is a wonderful right up I have always been betrayed by people I trusted so much but thank God I have learnt something from this right up now
I am glad you could learn something from it, Seyi ?
I definitely relatest to all your points here.
People really can’t be trusted but there was a day I found someone that actually kept to his word, I was amused.
As for the blog, people may not drop comments but they are definitely inspired, they would rather inbox you, than comment. When they say, they have being seeing some of my posts, i’m like “wowww”. I even paused on my blog for like 3 months because I felt “what’s the use?” but one day I was doing my normal story telling to a friend and she told me to put it on the blog and I told her I had stopped. That was when she made me realize your point 2.
For point 4, I have a lot to say. The devil makes you afraid and all of that but we are victorious through Christ. The fact that you fail an exam doesn’t mean you have failed in life. I got to understand that when I din’t make 2 papers in my final year. I felt like commuting suicide because I couldn’t stand an extra semester. Sometimes, I ask myself “babe, what were you thinking, trying to take your life because of 2 courses, ehn”, “so, by now, you wpull have been in he… because of 2 papers that you have done already”. I noticed that the devil used failure to torient people but my parents were very understanding, so my walking out victoroo us became easier.
For social media, I noticed that in camp because I dint take my android phone..??. I wanted to faint but I did without it for 3 whole weeks???
I’m happy loved found you. I pray it finds me too.
I learnt not to give up. It’s one of the lessons, blogging has taught me!
It was a great read!
Cheers to greater days ahead!
Aw, I’m glad you could relate darling. Thanks so much for stopping by ??
I love the analogy you used to explain trust. I couldn’t have said it better myself… this is a great list lady… so inspiring… Im loving the quotes and your pictures…