I have been wanting to share random facts about me for a long time but I was never sure why I should. As a result, this post has been sitting in my draft for too long and today, I brace the courage to share. I thought, it will not be a bad idea for my dearest readers and followers to get to know more about me. I once shared in Too Much Information Tag but then a few more random facts should not hurt. Come with me, winks.
1. I have a name that I’m glad never appeared on my birth certificate and I have never ever used it in my life. Those who knows it know how much I don’t like the name. But some of my extended family members would not stop calling me that till tomorrow!
2. I dread injections and drugs. To give me injection, about 3 strong men need to hold me still. The last time I was really sick and had to be injected was 2003, I think I bit one of the doctors to avoid that injection or something close to that…and I wasn’t sorry. Needles is just a terrible thing to have invented if you ask me. Not like I prefer drugs too but I can manage to put it inside food and swallow it without tasting it.
3. I’m a hopeless romantic. Once I love, I love with all my entirety. And once I snap out of it, you cease to exist. You should read my e-book “Fading Away” on Okadabooks and also a review of it on blog.
4. I eat the cover of any plastic drink I take. Very weird, I know. I cut out a part of it and chew like a gum. It irritates me but it has become an unconscious habit. Please remind me not to try it when next we are on a date.
5. No matter how much I sleep late, I’m an early riser and I do not like it. I’m always like the first to get up from bed and it always get me more chores! Except on days I choose to indulge or pretend.
6. My love for blue is surprising. I own almost everything in blue color. Shoes, journals, plates, bags, clothes, accessories…And I choose to be Chelsea fan because of blue, forgive me if I do not even know the name of the coach.
7. I don’t like to cook not because I cannot cook but because of the mess the kitchen always creates afterwards. But when I choose to cook, I spend all day in the kitchen making more meals than I plan to.
8. I am finicky to a fault! My fear of dirt laying around or flying about, an unmade bed, plates in the sink, cobwebs, a toilet not flushed, white sink turning brown, dusty room is appalling. I guess it’s okay to say my OCD largely reflects in hygiene. My siblings avoid visiting me because of this. I scream their head down if I find my space in a mess.
9. My guilty pleasure is stalking, no apologies but I find myself doing it even when my mind is screaming “STOP IT”!
10. I collect pens like a prized possession. I can not visit a stationery store without buying one. As well as beautiful journals too.
See what I shared about this on my Instagram page
11. I forget things easily. Especially the good things I do for people. Good or bad. It never stays in my head as much as I try to remember until someone reminds me and I still don’t end up remembering it in details. If I remember vividly, then something is not right.
12. I get bored easily and I can not stay in a place for too long except my room though. I once wrote about what defines boring.
13. I am a movie freak. And I am here wondering why I have not been writing movie reviews on my blog. I can stay in bed all day watching movies without getting tired.
14. My fear of cockroaches scares me. I once slept on my study table back in University because a cockroach was strolling freely on my bed and I couldn’t kill it and I was so sleepy.
15. If I remember your birthday without being reminded by Facebook, you are special. There was a time I don’t forget these but I think I am aging really fast now ?♀️
16. If I have never fart around you, it means we are not good friends and I am pretending. I would stop there ?
17. We just cannot be friends if you use ‘k’ in a conversation. It is ridiculous, annoying and a big turn off to me.

Chelsea fan
18. I’m attracted to intelligent and creative people. I can not stand someone who is boring or lack a good conversation skill.
19. Don’t touch my phone behind my back! It’s my pet peeve. Don’t read my journals, diaries and jottings behind me! It’s fun when we sit together to do it but behind me, you just made an enemy!
20. I don’t know how to be angry for long. Once I sleep over it, I’ve forgotten why it even happened. And when I’m angry, just leave me alone to go and boil and get over it. If you try to talk about it, it makes it worse ?♀️ except I want to. I just think I am selfish or maybe not.
There you have it with random facts about Debs. Do not laugh too much and do not take it too serious, they are just random facts and may be annoying or interesting.
You can read my previous post here.
Leave a comments, pretty please. Subscribe to this blog, also connect with me on social media, let’s be friends.
Until next time darlings, cheers.
??? It’s good to know I’m not alone. #Weird. This is a good read ❤
?? Thanks Layor ❤️ You are not alone
This was amazing and I respect that you posted this.
This demonstrates courage in my boon
Thanks dear ??
Ti like it when I know I’m not the only weird person in this place. Although unlike you I prefer injections to taking drugs. And we have some things in common too. Like that cockroach thing. I hate those things enh
We are all weird!??? Injections ? You are wrong please ?? Thanks, Amina ??
Stalker…… I know so… Nice write
Hahahahahaha, stalking makes life more fun!
I’m here for number 16!!!! We should do a competition soon girl.
??? Yes we need to!
?? Thanks Sam
Hmmmm………. good to know some things about you even though I must admit some are weird #smile. Women and the fear of cockroaches though! Lol
Your dirt phobia is one reason I can\T pay a visit to one of my elder bro, I had to be practically walking on egg around his apartment every other time.
??? Very weird, yeah? I can imagine how finicky people can be…you can’t even try to drop an empty bottle on the table for too long…The fear of cockroach is the beginning of wisdom ?
Nyc writeup,keep it up dear
Lol….I can so relate with 1, 2, 8, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20.
Good to know more about you dear.
Makes two of us ? Thanks Lara
enjoyed reading this…lovely 20 random facts about you. So, Debbie, you abandoned your bed because of one ugly cockroach…why????? loool!
I just couldn’t lose another minute sleep because of that dirty annoying creepy thing!
this is so epic!
I would have loved to know that name that you detest so much too…You know, just for knowing sake…I promise I would not call you by that name…
Why am I finding this to believe though? ?? Just for not believing sake ?
I’m with you on this…Just for knowing sake, you know. *Winks*
?? Two of you should leave me alone
I hope Debs can see that we are many on this name matter and have mercy on us by satisfying our curiosity.
Leave me o ???
No problem…lol
“18. I’m attracted to intelligent and creative people. I can not stand someone who is boring or lack a good conversation skill.”
It is only with this would the stream keep flowing. It’s good to know the random facts about Debby.
Thanks David ?
I Know 16!! Yay! 🙂
?? Go away already! ?
Am keeping 100 cockroaches for ur wedding gift.lol
?? I’d bribe you with a million Naira not to ??
Debs Debs!!! plenty messing for the account O! Nonetheless love they say cover a multitude of sin… cos that’s how I survived ?????
Ibukun, love conquers all things!!!????
Great post! I like your sincerity. Thank you for following BrewNSpew.
Aw, Thanks Eugenia. Love your blog much…
Hey Deborah,
Really that’s an amazing post!! I like your post. And you looking so pretty.
Thanks for your post.
Thank you Natasa.
Phone usage without my permission is also very annoying for me.
i also don’t “k” thing and for injections, I kinda got used to the needles though. I still had them piercing through my skin this year(in the name of blood tests).
I was a lovely read!!!
Aw, thanks babe. The last needle I felt was when I went for health test. Otherwise, I’m good. And that was even because it was mandatory.
Hey soul sitser, I have a collection of pens too, love them 😍
Ah, I should visit you