I see her trying to creep in
But I’m powerless against her
Or maybe I’m too powerful
But can’t recognise my own strengths
Read this Depression Poem by Debbie Leads here
She terrorises me with her gifts
She tempts me with easy way outs
I ache after her visits
I know she’s bad for me
But I feel so lonely without her
Related Hard limit
My soul is darkened at her touch
Hate filled rage engulfs me at her whisper
I burn anyone who dares to come close
I burn myself the most
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They say there is hope for me
She convinces me they are lying
Everyone is the same, they don’t know you like I know you, she whispers
“Depression exist without you knowing it, even denying it. It is not an illusion. You don’t even know you’re in it. It takes awhile before you realize it.”
Oblivion beckons at me
Her voice so tempting
Draws me in like an elixir
But a part of me doesn’t want to heed her call
I’m in need of a saviour
Or am I kryptonic that you can’t save me
Do I hide it so well
That you can’t see it?
Time has come for me to fade away
That part of me can no longer fight on
She poisoned me
And no one cared enough to save me
I’m eternally condemned now to an abyss of pain
All because I had depression’s menu
Written by Henry Obiefuna
“I wanted to talk about it. Damn it. I wanted to scream. I wanted to yell. I wanted to shout about it. But all I could was whisper “I’m fine.”
Another good writeup there! This blog already has a reputation for making hits back to back! Bravo
Thanks for reading this.
Beautiful write up Debs, more of this please (if SEO will allow) lol
Thanks Karis. SEO have no choice…hehehehe
Quite enjoyable….. well penned thoughts
Quite interesting and enjoyable piece. nicely written
Thank you Tee
Nice writeups. Lovely
Thank you