Happy new month darlings…

My niece and I. She’s like my heart beat and we can so fight!
I’m still really trying to understand how I have just become so lazy these days. I literally get other things done but I don’t understand what is with me and blogging. I can’t seem to finish editing just one single post now. I guess this post will get me back on my feet.
My official darling, started this monthly stocktaking late last year, I actually told myself I was gonna jump on it and do same but somehow I did not. Well, it’s a good way to flow, so I am definitely going to start, I hope to keep up and I hope to blog often now.
So, January. . .
Making: sure I start ticking off my 1st quarter to-dos and to-achieve.
Cooking/Eating: Cooking has been very rare for me these days. I do more of eating out which has been on a craze. Sometimes, I just stare at myself in the mirror and say well, “Your body is a factor of what you feed it”. I really do need to slow it down.
Playing: I’m playing a disturbing sound with my computer keyboard.
Drinking: Lots of water, coffee (this has been making me stay up late, I need to cut it down) and some detoxifying drinks.
Reading: The 360 degree Leader by John C. Maxwell, a new gift at work yesterday.
Wanting: A car, a very sweet car…this I pray thee Lord!
Interested: in Women empowerment and support, and poverty alleviation.
Deciding: Whether to go to open a domiciliary account or not. Iphone is now useless with a Naira card. How do y’all get songs on Itunes with your Naira card?
Wishing: I could have so much money now and pay tuition fee for all these kids that can’t afford to go to school.
Enjoying: My wig life! I now have quite a number of wig I only wear when I want to go to work. Other days, I enjoy the feel of the breeze of my natural hair.
Waiting: On my birthday…I actually set some targets I need to achieve before that day and I am looking forward to achieving them.
Liking: The fact that I have so many movies I am watching this weekend.
Wondering: If I could just loose belly fat without strict diet and excessive exercise.
Loving: The feel of this stylist’s fingers caressing my hair as she’s doing my cornrows.
Excited: About 2017!
Pondering: On how I can really expand my blog.
Considering: Going to get manicure and pedicure. I haven’t done any in months!
Watching: Black-ish. A series I was just introduced to. I hope I get to love it.
Hoping: The Nigeria Economy becomes good and not this harsh.
Cringing: at the hostility on social media these days…bullying, hateful comments, zero love and support…mehn, we now live in a world of Cyberspace that is not accommodating.
Questioning: Why kids are just stubborn and don’t learn even after you discipline them?
Following: Mentallyawareng on all their social media pages bumper to bumper. I gats to be mentally aware!
Unfollowing: Anyone one with negative vibes.
Noticing: I am getting really phaaaaaaaat! crying
Knowing: Staying relevant in a society like ours goes beyond beauty. It has to be about intelligence, which is the most sexiest thing any human can possess.
Marvelling: at how quick my niece is growing, I remember laughing at her when she was struggling to walk. Indeed, everything grows with stages.
Admiring: Every woman who has refused to stay broken but be healed.
Sorting: out my tasks and challenges for the week. I now have more on my hands than I have ever thought and I think it is best for me to priotise so I don’t miss any or take any for granted.
Getting: to acquaint myself with Mental Illness as I have recently become a volunteer at Mental Aware Initiative Nigeria. I never realized most of the little things we tend to overlook develop into serious illness that lead to depression, suicide and death.
Bookmarking: a new fictional blogger I have recently discovered.
Coveting: nothing…
Disliking: Human condemnation and judgmental attitude.
Starving: I can’t-do-mentality.
Giggling: at a message notification from le boo on my phone.
Feeling: Blessed.
Snacking: on a satchet of water…how sad.
Hearing: My sisters wondering and asking if my niece has pooed without knowing I’m the one forming seriousness with blogging and has just messed the air…coverseyes
There you go with my stocktaking and a peep into my January. January felt long and fulfilling. It was a good start of my 2017 and I am really looking forward to other months.
By the way, it’s almost Valentine. I’ve never really been one who has been excited about February 14. I’ve always been indifferent about it… Glad this year’s own is on a work day, so…work is going to keep me busy. I really need someone to enlightened me really about the big deal about that day cos as for me, I celebrate love everyday.
Here’s me wishing you all a beautiful month filled with love, happiness and thanksgiving.
Debs care…
All that overhyped Valentine ish… Buh all those kids that don’t learn after discipline ehn are in dire need of serious prayers… Loool…
Nice monthly stocktaking…
Hahahahaha, some don’t even understand why you are beating them or punishing them o, lols…Valentine is really overhyped. Thanks for reading dear and leaving a comment
You are welcomme dearie…