10 Packing Tips Every Traveler Should Know

10 Packing Tips Every Traveler Should Know

I am not sure if everyone is like me, but packing and unpacking for a trip has got to be some very big deal. Not only am I a lazy traveler who does not like to carry heavy luggage when traveling, I wish I can find someone who can do my packing for me. People who know me well will testify to the fact that I would start packing for a trip 2 weeks before. Yes, it is that bad but that way it helps me make sure I am only traveling with what I need and I would not forget anything.

Related: How To Make Traveling With Kids Less of a Nightmare

Hence, I have compiled 10 tips every traveler should know when it comes to packing for a trip.

#1: Book Ahead

There are a number of sites where you can book cheap flights ahead of your trip. Booking ahead not only save you the stress of saving less, it also act as a reminder of your forthcoming trip. Booking ahead for me also helps me know the weather that I will be exposed to, that way I can shop ahead for clothing that will be suitable for the trip.

For international trips, this is most helpful. You can even get cheap flights from Lagos to New York when you know the right channel through which you can book.

#2: Have a Packing List

Last weekend, I attended a wedding which is only a few kilometers from my home. But because I know if I decide to pack at the last minute, I would definitely forget a lot of things. Hence, I started writing down all the things I would need days before.

traveling tips

I had my backpack ready and started filling up from list, thereby crossing off one by one. I used a laptop backpack for this event because I only needed a few essentials that would not require a big traveling luggage.

#3: Buy a Lightweight Travel Bag

Most times, we completely forget our backpack/luggage has its own weight and we fill up with even more travel essentials, thereby paying for excess luggage. Why not save yourself this trouble by getting a lightweight travel bag. If you need such, you can get affordable backpacks in Nigeria here.

Packing Tips Every Traveler Should Know

Backpacks like the one above is from Jansport, and it is designed to meet your needs. It has front utility pocket with organizer that can fit your toothbrush, paste, phone and phone accessories. Also, it has one large main compartment and a web haul handle. And it is also made from premium fabric for a unique textured surface. Interestingly, it can double as a laptop bag and traveling pack.

 #4: Roll Your Clothes Rather Than Fold

Roll Your Clothes When Packing Not Fold

I learnt this from a friend, I was to travel for 3 days and I did not want to carry a big suitcase but a simple laptop backpack. As much as I tried to fold and remove some outfits, my bag still won’t zip. It was so frustrating until my friend told me to roll the clothes instead. Voila, it worked and all my clothes fit easily and I could zip my bag.

#5: Ditch The Bottles and Tubes

Imagine you are traveling for just a few days and you go on to carry the whole bottle of your body moisturizer or even a whole tube of toothpaste. You clearly don’t need any of this. Rather, fill these in smaller containers that will just serve the purposes for those days and you can even discard once empty making more room in your bag for your return.

#6: Heard of Ziploc Bags?

Worry no more about your liquids and fluids, use Ziploc bags to fix these. That way you can be sure nothing is going to spill over and mess up your clothing. Aside using a Ziploc bag, you can try using a cling film to cover the tops of your liquid bottles and use a tape to hold tight.

#7: Pack Multipurpose Outfits

You remember that play suit you can easily wear under a skirt and everyone will think it’s a blouse, pick it. It will save you the stress of picking an extra blouse. Same with that kimono that can double as a dress, these clothing will play dual purpose and help you travel lighter.

#8: Never Check in Essential Items

I would never understand why people will check in passports, wallet, jewelries or even electronics. You’d never know which agent has sticky fingers or in the case of a delayed/misplaced luggage, you’d be stranded. Always ensure you have these items on you or stowed in the overhead luggage compartment to save yourself any trouble.

#9: Use Cotton Wool For Your Make Up

Ladies, I got you. Worried about those powder cracks especially your expensive Mac? Just place a flat cotton wool pad in between your pressed powder and the lid. That way, it stays intact without being affected during the bumpy rides and rough luggage handling.

#10: Spice Up Your Suitcase

I had mistaken another person’s bag for mine once. It was so embarrassing when the bag owner confronted me that I had just picked her bag (I was yet to check the attached boarding label). Until the carousel rolled over and I saw my bag staring at me. And everyone realized how similar both looked.

But you can save yourself this ‘Oh my God’ moment by decorating your luggage with a favorite color of ribbon or even labeling it with colorful tags.

Which of these have you been guilty of? Have you ever been face with any challenges as listed above? Share below and so we can learn from your experience too.

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backpack, backpacks in Nigeria, cheap flights, laptop backpack, packing tips, travel essentials, traveling light, Ziploc bag


  1. Oshams
    May 3, 2018 / 8:02 pm

    The folding of clothes ooo…now I have learn about the rolling style and ziploc bags too….thanks Debs

    • Akingboye Deborah
      May 3, 2018 / 8:06 pm

      Anytime hun 💕💕 Don’t be a lazy traveler, take time and roll 😁

  2. May 5, 2018 / 3:23 am

    Always amazing info to be found on this blog. Thanks for sharing.
    From the blogger at Cameroon Lifestyle Blog

    • Akingboye Deborah
      May 5, 2018 / 3:34 am

      Thanks for stopping by 🖤 Glad you found the tips useful

  3. 'biyi Toluwalase
    May 5, 2018 / 7:49 am

    Hi there, Debs, this was an enlightening read. I guess we are very alike in our dislie for packing. Even if I have 10 years to pack for a trip, I always end up feeling like I forgot something essential, and most times, I actually do.

    My elder brother actually does that rolling of clothes thingy and I used to think it was weird, I guess I’ll have to go learn it from him now.

    • Akingboye Deborah
      May 5, 2018 / 10:11 am

      Sometimes I forget too. Because I end up repacking many times because I feel one outfit shouldn’t go in or I can put this later but since I realize the importance of having a list, I stopped forgetting.

      You should learn to roll 😁 Saves space. Thanks for stopping at, Biyi 🖤

  4. May 7, 2018 / 2:25 pm

    You should see me struggling to pack when I’m travelling. Back then in school after the holidays, I will begin to pack by 10pm when I’m supposed to travel back to school by 7a.m the following day. My mum will shout tire, I wonder how she was able to put up with my procrastination. Nothing has changed though, that’s just me. Nice read plus I love rolling, makes my bag lighter.

    • Akingboye Deborah
      May 7, 2018 / 2:32 pm

      If I ever try packing a day before, chances are that I would forget half of the most important things I need to travel with. I can’t even dare it, lols.

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