7 Tips To Making New Friends In a New City

7 Tips To Making New Friends In a New City

Making new friends as an adult, especially in a new city can be a herculean task. Factors like being anti social, introverted or extremely busy can contribute to making this a huge task. For most of our life growing up, it’s quite easy to have friends and get along with people. Meeting new friends back then was quite easy like admiring a girl in class for her hair style and…

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Collaboration: How To Turn Your Denim On Denim From Basic Into Fantastic

Collaboration: How To Turn Your Denim On Denim From Basic Into Fantastic

Denim on denim trend has been on the roll for a long time. We have watched celebs and style bloggers recreated this look consistently …
5 Ways To Survive The Hot Season

5 Ways To Survive The Hot Season

It is no longer news that the hot season has been unbearable in the last couple of weeks. At first, we were all wondering …
Nigerian Brands Review: Styling Desire1709Fashion

Nigerian Brands Review: Styling Desire1709Fashion

Nigerian Brands are gradually saturating the Nigeria Fashion industry with locally made fashion pieces. Prior to this time, most fashion brands would prefer to …
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