Hold on, don’t be quick to say it…

Hey darlings, trust you had a great weekend? Mine wasn’t so bad. A few runarounds and loads of rest in between.
I am here again for us. Let’s have a quick real discussion please. We really need to keep our anger in check. I mean think very deeply before condemning others. This happened to me and now I feel really terrible about it.
Relax while I give you the gist…

I have known Sharon (not her real name) for quite a while now. I buy stuffs from her and we got quite close in between that period. 

During one of my visit to her store, I met Lynn (not her real name). She does corporate branding and some other jobs as such. She gave me her card and hoped I help her land a deal.

Fortunately, I did and got her a juicy deal. But guess what happened guys? She messed it up big time and made me even felt like I was the cause and I was a terrible person for complaining about it. I have never felt so pained, angry and humiliated at the same time in my life. She almost messed up my last Xmas but I manage not to allow her ruin it.

I called Sharon and told her this. I said so much out of anger and she apologized and apologized and even promised to talk to her when next they meet. She felt so sorry I had to meet Lynn through her and hoped it will not affect our own relationship.

My darling readers, fast forward to 4-5 months later, Lynn and I are now friends??To be honest, I dunno how it happened. She eventually apologized for what happened then and we got talking. She’s one of the few friends that come to my office without an invite. Although, I’ve never been to her house and she hasn’t been to mine but we have shared more than a few gist mutual friends should share.

Now I feel bad, I dunno what to say to Sharon.

My fellow darlings, please don’t be like me. Learn to be careful when saying stuffs out of anger. We ladies can really be annoying sometimes. But we should not allow someone stupidity make us a bad person. What if Sharon has told others what Lynn did to me? How do we go about correcting that impression about her? Yes she messed up but now that she has apologized, what happens?
I would love to read your views on this. Have you experienced this before? What did you do to save the situation?
Have a beautiful week ahead, darlings!??

anger management, , friendship, girlfriends ish, handling anger, think before you say it, women matters, women palaver

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