Letter to the Girl Next Door

Letter to the Girl Next Door

The blogsphere is indeed a different world on its own when you meet the right people. I can’t even remember how I stumbled on Mystique Dammy‘s blog. I have been an ardent follower of hers since then. When I moved from my wordpress hosted site to my self hosted site, I had some challenges with the plugins ish. I was even forced to decide to delete my old account so I can focus on the new one. Almost as soon as I shared that post, Dammy buzzed me on Instagram and advised I leave the account. I told her about the challenges I was facing and she guided me patiently on how to go about it. Darling, I cannot thank you enough…It worked! Currently, I have successfully moved all my old account followers to the new one. I still can’t believe I did that on my own with the help of Dammy…I really need to learn to be patient tho, lols. 

letter to the girl next door

Today’s post was inspired by a girl I follow on Snapchat, I do not know her personally but one way or the other we stumbled on each other’s handle. Her weird snap stories has pushed me to put this up and reach out to other girls like her. I hope she sees this and others too would and learn.


Dear Tommy,
You disrespected mom again! Just because she asked you to wash the dishes and blend the pepper for dinner. I guess that’s not too much of a mother to ask from her own daughter.

Does she need to call a whole town to appeal to you before you can do this?


You walked out on her and went to see your so-called boyfriend, Segun and even slept over there giving your mom a sleepless night worrying over your stubborn ass!


How old are you again?


Ah, yes, twenty one in two months…


Segun already told you smoking cannabis is good for your health. And it makes you seem older and matured than you are.


What else did he convince you about? Because now I see you smoke like a pro and drink heavily. You are on all social media showing off your naked brezz and displaying your naked curves.


Ah, now I understand. You enjoy the deceptive comments that wow at your beauty and curves…


They are only encouraging you to show them more… Don’t let those likes fool you! You are better of looking clothed!


How come you are no longer best friends with Zainab?


Ah, now I remember! She advised you to stop seeing Segun because he is an internet fraudster and a bad influence on you.


Your friends are now Segun’s friends girlfriends…


Birds of the same feather…


Retarded, no ambition, shallow minded, zero vision, always gate crashing every events…


Why don’t you try and change your friends and see if your life won’t change positively?
You no longer go to church because all the pastor messages seems like he’s condemning you but he’s only doing his job and addressing the congregation.


What else do you want in life that your parents haven’t pleased you with?


Drinking, smoking heavily, sleeping around isn’t life! Stop wasting your youth.


If you keep failing all your exams which is because you have refused to study at all, why not learn a trade? You won’t forever be twenty something. One day, you will grow older and look back on your wasted years wishing you had lived better and made the most out of it.


It’s not too late, Tommy




Your next door neighbor 



  1. November 23, 2016 / 9:54 am

    I hope she listens. Time flies very quickly and brings regret with it.

    • debadmin
      November 23, 2016 / 9:55 am

      I pray she does???? Thanks for ready dear

  2. Ibukunwrites
    November 23, 2016 / 4:55 pm

    Things to do in your twenties. . . *runs off*

    • debadmin
      December 1, 2016 / 9:10 am

      You know this!!!

  3. November 24, 2016 / 4:33 pm

    Sincerely I love this it is never too late for anyone to change,……… More strength debs

    • debadmin
      November 24, 2016 / 6:34 pm

      Yes dear. Thanks much

  4. Ajibike Oyinda
    November 28, 2016 / 11:35 pm

    Heyyyy Debs! Lol I was quite surprised by the intro. It;s really nothing and you’re much welcome. Share the love aye? Ciao!

    • debadmin
      December 1, 2016 / 9:11 am

      Lols…thanks dear

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