Fate or Karma? 2

Fate or Karma? 2

If you miss the first post, please click here

Still others commit all sorts of evil deeds, claiming karma doesn’t exist. They erroneously maintain that since everything is empty, committing evil isn’t wrong. Such persons fall into a hell of endless darkness with no hope of release. Those who are wise hold no such conception.     


Nothing ever gets to Ella. Before he’s imprisoned for murder, he needs to find a way to get out of this hell hole called marriage. He has always thought of this but he just can’t bear to be separated from his daughter.

She’s a princess. The most sweetest loving girl he has ever held in his arms. She has got beautiful eyes and smile like her mother but she is extremely calm and quiet.

But at this stage, he has had it to its peak. It’s better her daughter has both parents who still loved her than one who will be jailed for killing the other.

He just have to let go.

“Are you not going to have breakfast? You’ve been staring at the omelette as though it’s some adornment. It’s food, baby, and it’s meant to be eaten.” She scowled. “Even Tara knows that!”

He stared at her angrily. And winced as his tongue had a taste of the tasteless omelette. 

He remembered the day he advised her to try employing a chef, it was a war. He had to apologize it was a slip of the tongue and he never meant it.

He hurriedly forced all the food down his throat amidst the horrible taste, grab his briefcase and rushed out before another brewing war will begin.


Ella watched him as he left. He used to love this man but they just never agree on anything. He is always doing the most unbelievable things. How can a normal human just put his dirty shirts and briefs on the sofa and forget it there. He could at least clear the dishes after eating. He snores. He is not even religious and he has lost his sexual life. He’s so dirty and can’t even pretend he’s not.

She’s one helluva finicky lady and dirt turn her off. She knows Dapo doesn’t appreciate her meal but cooking itself is messy and stressful. She prefers eating out than cooking, and Dapo used to love it too but after marriage he just expect her to slave all day in the kitchen and still do dishes after cooking. Hell no! 

She missed her single life when she doesn’t have a worry in the world but she needed stability when she met Dapo. And he had fit into the puzzle.

She can’t stand all this anymore. It’s beginning to get to her and she can’t deal with it. She’s getting so much attention now. After the birth of Tara, she had practically lived in the gym to get her shape back and she’s back to being the hottest lady in the room and life of every party. She has been seeing her boss brother who just returned from the States. Very cute loving man. She has gone to his house and he is just the perfect man she needs in her life and he cooks well!

She has totally lost her love for Dapo. She never thought it would happen but it’s happening. How can a man complain so much? She’d ask for a divorce rather than be caught in adultery. Tara needs sane parents who are devoid of errors but can’t just live together anymore.

Her worry now lies with people labeling her a gold digger who is interested in what she’d get, but who cares, he can shove his money down his a*s,. She’s an independent woman and she’s got a wonderful career going so well for her.


And as usual, his day was bad. He had a flat tyre, arrived late at the office, queried by his line manager, sent a wrong mail to a client, spilled his lunch on his starched white shirt…

It was a horrible day and the thought of going home wasn’t consoling at all!

He called his mom.

“Mom, I need to divorce Ella.”

“No! No!! You can’t try it. I warned you never to sign that prenup but you never listened to me. You’d lose everything! You can’t just do that. I won’t be able to see my Tara. You just have to endure this. I told you that girl was a bad dream, but you chose her. Now, you have to live with it.”

“Mom, I don’t care. I’m loosing my sanity. You don’t get it. Tara needs both parents alive.”

“Oh my poor son” He heard her mother begin to cry silently. 

“I’m going to see a lawyer now. I’d come to the house when I’m done.”

He called one of his old buddies who is a lawyer, Femi. Unfortunately, Femi had traveled with his family to the U.K. for vacation. He sent him a number of the best divorce lawyer in the city, Ifemena.

Immediately, he called Ifemena to book an appointment. The voice sounded so familiar but he quickly discarded the thought and drove quickly to meet up with this lady who sounded no-nonsense,-time-conscious on the phone.

Loads of thought ran through his mind as he drove. What will happen to Tara? Will she understand this decision when she come of age? Will Ella accept this? She seem like one who will do anything to keep her marriage, if only she can just calm down. Where will he start from? 

It’s time I focus on my life and how to create an empire for myself and my daughter. Enough of this women wahala in his life. 

He got to the address Femi had sent to him and parked. He stepped out and greeted the security men who kept hailing him. He gave them some N200 bills and the hailing increased.

He stopped at the door. Should he do this this? He can still go back? He was scared.

He opened the door and to his uttermost amazement, there sat Ify, his ex. The one who had loved him with all her mind, soul and body. He couldn’t believe his eyes. How will he explain himself to her? She was looking so beautiful and he hated himself for ever making her cry.


That’s it! 

He ran out. tears in his eyes. He hated the life he had lived. He hated what he had done. He wished he had loved back. He wished he could bring back his dating years. Why did he ever feel he could get away with all he had done? Why did he have to meet her when he desperately needs someone to help him now?

He walked out of the building. Tears blinding his eyes. He walked into his car and drove out. He did not have the nerve to leave. He parked by the side of the road and sat down for some minutes wondering if he should drive to his mom or go back in there. He could get another lawyer but he trusted Femi’s decision and he needed the best. He needs someone who will make this very easy for him.

This is the lady who had lost his virginity to him. Lost her womb while trying to get rid of her pregnancy because he told her he wasn’t ready for commitment and fatherhood. The one who gave up her dreams and left school because she could no longer stand him and had to start her life all over again.

He decided to give it a shot. And to maintain a professional poise all through.

He opened his car door unceremoniously but unfortunately, a motorcycle was coming right at him at top speed.

Biyi was late for a delivery. His boss was definitely going to fire him. he never thought anyone was in the parked car. An old woman was trying to cross the road and he almost ran into her.

As he tried to swerve from hitting her, he ended up on the same lane Oladapo was as he alighted from his car.

It was too late.

He hit him! 

He went up and landed face down into a confused Ify who had stepped out of her office wondering why Dapo had rushed out like he had seen a ghost.

Ify rushed to hold him in her arms as though that will miraculously take them back to the time before the incidence.

“No, no, no, Dapo!” She screamed tearfully…”Help!!!”

Oladapo was bleeding heavily from his head and side rib. Ify used her hands to apply pressure on his head.

“I’m so s-s-sorr-y, Ify” he drawled

“Please stay with me, Dee. I forgave you a long time ago. Please stay with me.”

She looked up, relieved, as she heard the sound of the ambulance.

“Dee, the doctors are here. You’d be-“

He was cold, with a smile on the corner of his lips. Like he was happy… How could he be?! 

She had so much to tell him.

Too late, he was gone.

No need for revenge. Just sit back and wait. Those who hurt you will eventually screw up themselves and if you’re lucky, God will let you watch.

Dear readers, over to you. Do you believe in Karma and fate? Do you think what goes around come back around? Do you believe in revenge or forgiveness? Was Dapo fairly judged by marrying a bad wife and dying in the arms of a woman he messed up with? What are your thoughts? Join the discussion.

anger management, divorce, domestic issues, family, fate, karma, marriage,


  1. June 15, 2017 / 2:40 pm

    I certainly believe what goes around definitely comes back around. I really like this Debby. But, I still need to go and read the first part.

    • Debwritesblog
      June 15, 2017 / 2:46 pm

      Thanks dear?? You should ? Your comment means a lot

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