2016: Lost but Found

2016: Lost but Found

Hey darlings…The last day of the year. It’s been a dramatic year for me and I’m so glad how it has turned out to be.

I started 2016 on a cryptic note. How it happened I don’t know, let’s just say I followed my instinct and it was the wrongest. I tried to right my wrongs but the more I tried, the more it pulled me down the path of shame.

This time last year, I was so clueless. People were writing new year resolutions and I was just blank. I had no plans, nothing at all. I eventually resolved to live each day as it comes which was one wrong resolution.

I journeyed on through the year hoping to make something out of it. A lot happened.

I made friends and lost them.

I started blogging.

I made new friends in the blog world. These ones understand you better. They see through your write ups and reach out. I’m glad I met Ebukun, she’s indeed a friend in a zillion? If you have been an ardent follower of the blog, you’d realize I never stop mentioning her as one of my biggest inspiration in the blogsphere. She’s indeed a star!

I got so much recommendation at work and I am proud of myself.

I cried… I cried non stop for months. I was broken and I thought I would never be healed.

Thanks Ope Fagbe for being with me through this. You’ve always been a sister I found in a friend and you’d forever be.

I stepped on people’s toes in the process of healing.

I laughed again. This was the highlight in 2016. I never thought I would be happy in that short space of time but it did happen. And this happiness came with loads of blessings.

Towards the end of the year, so many things happened simultaneously. People close to me will understand this. I began wondering how else the year could get worse or better. But then I found someone who understands me so much, family who supports me and friends who loves me. I am eternally grateful for this lots.

When I started the #whyiamstillsingle series on my Instagram page, I had no idea it will get all the attention it got. Ladies reached out to me with their stories, pains and experience. It was such a delight talking to strangers with similar experiences. And then the guys joined in and it took a different turn!

What actually birth that was because I never knew I would still be single as at the end of 2016. My thought was I’d either be engaged or close to getting married. But I think, being single at this point is indeed a blessing in disguise.

Life happens.

It was just a pleasant surprise and I decided to relish in the moment and talk about it.

I also realize people dread talking about their SINGLE status these days. They made it seem like it’s a taboo to be single.

My darlings, being single is a state just like being married. Both status are meant to be celebrated and enjoyed.

2016 taught me a lesson about expectation and I have come to understand that most times, what we have planned out are the ones that never happen. But the ones we fail to plan are the ones that happen and excites us most.

I kissed so many ass just because I wanted people to understand me and know where I am coming from.

2016 was the year I found myself. I was lost and indeed found.

I used to be the scared, timid and low self esteemed girl but today I can say I have walked through that lane and I am better.

I’m not scared about tomorrow anymore. I am more certain about myself now.

I love you all my readers and I wish you the most amazing year ever. May all your dreams come true.

Let’s do this again in 2017!!!??

2016, 2017, blogosphere, happiness, highlights, lost but found, love, new year, note, peace, purpose, retrospect, self appraisal, self discovery


  1. seunmanuel
    December 31, 2016 / 8:46 pm

    I’m happy you’re doing well Derb. Keep blossoming. Cheers!

    • debadmin
      December 31, 2016 / 8:51 pm

      Thanks a million Seun, happy new year!

  2. December 31, 2016 / 11:31 pm

    Beautiful 2016. Wonderful summary. May your 2017 bring you more surprises. I love you this much. Happy new year Debs

    • debadmin
      January 1, 2017 / 12:45 am

      Amen darling ???? I love you much more. Thanks for being part of my 2016, and a happy and prosperous new year Debs ?

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  4. January 5, 2017 / 10:11 pm

    Awwwwnnn Darling!!! I just farabale read ni! You’re a shinning star love!!!! Thanks for a remarkable 2016! Greater heights from here on! You’re amazzzzzzzzing!

    • debadmin
      January 6, 2017 / 8:32 am

      A big amen! Thanks sweets…For always being there and supportive. God bless you.

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