Steal My Itinerary: 6 Places to Visit in Dubai

Steal My Itinerary: 6 Places to Visit in Dubai

Last year November, I managed to get my busy self to go on a vacation to Dubai. I had to read up and get familiar with places to visit in Dubai as it was my first solo trip. I must confess I was anxious and worried at first on how I was going to enjoy such a trip all by myself. Despite having a few friends there, it wasn’t enough…

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Getting Over A Breakup: 4 People Speak on Their Experience

Getting Over A Breakup: 4 People Speak on Their Experience

A lot of people have had to deal with breakup repeatedly while some have no clue what it means. Life isn’t always the same for everyone. While some are just blessed with a great love life, for some it’s a curse, karma or just poor choices. Some relationships end up so terrible, the sufferer just want the world to stop spinning and end. While some end their relationships so amicably…

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HMO in Nigeria || 5 Benefits of Reliance HMO Plans

HMO in Nigeria || 5 Benefits of Reliance HMO Plans

Health is indeed wealth and the importance of getting good and affordable healthcare cannot be overemphasized. Before now I had always believed HMO in Nigeria are restricted for employees of an organization. So to enjoy all the benefits of HMO in Nigeria, you have to be a staff of the organization. But it is interesting to discover that this narrative is changing. Before I continue, let me explain a little…

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International Women’s Day Collaboration with Abuja Bloggers

International Women’s Day Collaboration with Abuja Bloggers

International Women’s Day is always celebrated worldwide on the 8th of March. While this is a one day event, it is important that we celebrate the amazing women around us everyday as they remain phenomenal. This year’s theme is #BalanceforBetter and all over the world, people are advocating and talking about a better balance as it relates to gender. It is no news that balance helps create a better world…

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5 Reasons You Need Blogger Friends

5 Reasons You Need Blogger Friends

Bloggers friends are like work colleagues in the lives of every blogger. When I started blogging, I had zero knowledge what I was doing. I was like a kid who was just learning how to crawl and walk and still needed help. It was a bit of struggles here and there but because I am used to doing everything solo, I kept this up for months. Eventually, I started understanding…

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How To Style A Short Dress and Be Confident

How To Style A Short Dress and Be Confident

I have once been embarrassed over a short dress and ever since, I have avoided it like a plague. If I am ever going to wear a short dress, I always ensure that there’s a free ride to and fro. And that the environment is one such an outfit can fly without judgmental looks.  However, if you always consider what people will say about how you look, you’d never wear…

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8 Guides To Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur

8 Guides To Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur

Not everyone is designed to quit their job and become an entrepreneur. In fact, not everyone is built to becoming an entrepreneur because it is not an everybody thing. Entrepreneurship will look all rosy and easy from the outside until the day you delve right in and the sleepless nights begin. It is not a task for the faint-hearted or people who easily give up. So before you sit back…

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Do You Believe In The ‘Village People’ Myth?

Do You Believe In The ‘Village People’ Myth?

In Nigeria, there’s a popular myth about village people and whenever someone uses that term, it connotes a negative foreboding. I’m quite a religious person, and I believe in the ministry and teachings of Christ. What I however do not believe in is juju and witchcraft. I believe as Christians, once we have Christ and have accepted him as our Lord and personal savior, we have the power to trample upon…

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