

She stared into his face. He was fast asleep but his arms were wrapped around hers. Falling in love with him seems like the best thing that has ever happened to her. He’s so cute, every lady’s dream. He has always been her fantasy, and now he’s a dream come true- young and brainy, focused and determined. He is not one who loves to go out but with her he doesn’t mind.

She had met him on a Sunday evening when she had forced herself to go out. She’s not one who loves to hang out alone but that day she needed to see a particular movie which had been the talk of Twitter and all of her friends were occupied. She had munched her popcorn silently as best as she could before the movie began. Lanre had come in shortly before the movie started as well and sat just beside her. His cologne attracted her and she was forced to ask him which one he was wearing and he had politely answered her.

During the movie, they had unconsciously exchanged laughs, giggles and stares.
She did not realize how late it was when she came out. She looked at her wristwatch, 8:32PM! How is she going to make it home tonight? She had earlier thought it was an hour thirty minutes movie. Oh, she did not check well. She dragged her feet and pulled her sweater zip up to cover her exposed chest. The weather is really cold. She looked around hoping to get a taxi home. And then, a car pulled behind her. The windows rolled down and she saw her cinema neighbour.


‘Hello, which way are you heading?’

‘Gwarinpa, 5th avenue.’

‘Fantastic, hop in please. I’m going to 6th avenue.’

She did not hesitate for a minute before joining him.

They had talked about almost everything about themselves. She had learned that he lived in Abuja alone. His parents are based in the UK. He had come home for his Youth Service after studies in the UK and had gotten a job with CCECC. He had loved his job and has decided to stay back a while and see what happened from there.

She on the other hand lives alone. Her folks are based in Lagos and she had come to Abuja after securing a job in a Media House with a mouth-watering offer.

Instead of dropping her off in her house, their conversation had drifted into an intimate one and she had ended up spending the night at his place. It was a beautiful night well spent and Lanre had played a perfect gentleman who did not even try to lift her dress up. It had just ended with a good night kiss.

They had always been together every weekend after that day. Movies, cooking, gisting, window shopping and of course making love. Lanre is such a wonderful lover. He is always there for her anytime and every time.

Last night, she had come to his place after a crazy day at work and they had both slept off on the couch while watching a movie. She could not resist looking at him and appreciating God for this human blessing. She kissed him lightly on the lip and he opened his eyes.

‘How long have you been awake?’

‘Enough to take in on your facial features and never forget your face in a long while.’

‘Do you intend to let me go?’


He smiles and pulled her into a tight embrace.

‘You are hopelessly in love with me and that worries me.’

She was stunned. What is he talking about?

‘I don’t understand you dear.’

He sat up and pulled her close, her head resting on his shoulder.
‘Sue darling, I know how much you care about me and I do as well. You are beautiful, caring, sweet, nice and very intelligent. You are someone I wish to keep forever-‘

She sat up to face him.

‘Wish??? What the hell are you talking about?’

‘I don’t do relationships.’

‘Wh-wh-wh- I don’t get you.’ Tears welled down her face. ‘Are you saying you don’t love me? You can’t date me? I am lost Lanre! Have I done something wrong?’

‘I don’t hate you Sue’. He tried to pull him closer.

‘Don’t touch me. Speak I am listening.’

‘I am sorry this is coming late. I have tried to say this but you were never listening. I told you I don’t do relationships.’

‘What the f*ck do you then do?’

‘I don’t know how to explain. Relationships are stressful. I don’t engage in them. We are friends and we are cool just like that, nothing more. I won’t hurt you. I will care about you and meet your needs and demands but we won’t call it dating.’

‘You are hurting me Lanre.’ She stood up and staggered as the tears blinds her. ‘You are hurting me, I can’t believe we have been doing this sh*t and we are not even dating. God, I’ve been so foolish. No wonder you have never told me you love me. No wonder I have never spoken to any of your siblings. Do you have any idea what this relationship has cost me- my dignity, my fiancé, my friends.’ She moved to where her clothes are and started dressing up. She picked a few items around and dumped them in her bag. ‘I can’t believe I have been fooling myself. I wish I had never met you.’ She walked towards the door.

‘Sue, I am terribly sorry. This is not what you think. I am not leaving you. I-I- care about you.’ He stood up and held her hands. ‘Please, don’t leave me. This will work.’

‘Let go off my hands now Lanre! And don’t you ever call me again.’

She opened the door, walking away into uncertainty, into oblivion as she wonder what she will do about the seed growing in her.



  1. RichTee
    February 19, 2016 / 4:40 pm

    Hmmmmmm….. He said he doesn’t do relationships and she flared up!!!! HEY!!! she ought to have defined it from onset… he said ”We are friends and we are cool just like that, nothing more. I won’t hurt you. I will care about you and meet your needs and demands but we won’t call it dating.’”…… Sue biko move on and enjoy your life….. She has a fault here!!!! she should have been smarter…

    • February 19, 2016 / 4:45 pm

      Not her fault now. She felt he was into her as she was into him. Love at first sight- grow into a beautiful relationship. Plus they have been together for quite sometime, why did he wait up till now?

      Thanks for reading through.

  2. February 19, 2016 / 6:29 pm

    Reblogged this on .

  3. Anonymous
    February 19, 2016 / 8:01 pm

    The guy is a bad sharp guy.. The lady should have been smarter. She ought to have defined whatever they were doing from the beginning. He, being a Player that he is saw a chance and used it..

    She should just move on, she will definitely find love…

  4. February 25, 2016 / 9:26 am

    What….I read some comments and i am not only pissed with Lanre, am also pissed with every other person that called her dumb or not smart enough…no matter how smart someone can be when it comes to heart matters, it is always complicated even when your mind is telling you something else..let the man take responsibility for his actions

    • February 25, 2016 / 9:39 am

      Oh thanks for the comment. I thought I was the only one pissed at Lanre. Thanks for reading through

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