As a blogger, having a consistent, growing and engaging blog readers is one big dream come true. We tend to worry a lot about our blog traffic that we fail to examine what we are doing right and wrong. In fact, this seems to get to us a lot that it begins to affect our blog.
You share a post with amazing pictures and title, your blog readers triple and the next time, they do not return. Your stats is flattening like a flat lined ECG and you are getting worried. You may probably feel your blog readers are no longer loyal or just pure betray but I assure you this isn’t always the case. A lot of blog readers wish to always come back but will tire out when their expectations are not met consistently. Which is why as a blogger, you should always research extensively on what appeal to your readers.
Aside this, I have compiled a list of why your blog readers do not come back to your blog and why you keep loosing subscribers.
1. You do not promote consistently
For every reader on your blog post, it could be from your mail list, Facebook, Snapchat, Pinterest, Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram or even Groups you belong. If you do this one off and you generate a lot of traffic, that doesn’t mean some of these readers will subscribe to your blog immediately.
You may have to repeat this again and again to catch their attention completely to your blog. Besides, as a blogger it is very important to promote your posts shamelessly without fear or worry.
Aside this, do not be a stingy blogger, interact with other bloggers. Put yourself out there, leave comments on their post, relate with your readers, chat freely with people that leave comments on your blog, identify with other bloggers on social media and make sure your social handles are consistent.
2. Wrong Punctuation, Spellings or Grammar Use and Blog Design
Even as a language graduate, I still make mistake when writing blog posts. Sometimes, I have to read over and over again or find someone else to have a second read. That way, I can be sure errors I missed the first time, I’d find the second or third time or the second reader will do.
Aside this, there are some Apps you can download that will help you in this area. Grammarly, for one will do the magic you need.
A lot of people are language experts and they cringe when they read their instead of there, past tense use in place of present tense, inconsistent font, wrong use of punctuation marks and a whole lot of other mistakes we make as non-native English speakers.
As a blogger, never be in a rush to share a post. Always make sure you have read through your post, crossing all t‘s and dotting all i’s.
In addition, never underestimate the power of a beautiful blog theme, design and layout. I find it very distracting when too much pop up and ads distract me when I am reading a blog post. It is unprofessional to have various colors on your blog when you can stick to 2-3. If you cannot handle this yourself, find a professional to do this for you, it is going to be a one-off. Make sure your colors match what your brand represents.
3. No Sub Heading
Personally, when I read a very long blog post without sub heading, I just scroll away to the Call to Action and read the comments to pick my lessons. It’s really stressful reading an essay without a guide.
Blog posts without subheading is likened to looking for a needle in an haystack. Always have at least one sub heading or more in your post, even SEO recommends it.
4. Poor Content Delivery
You know how you have a very great story you want to share with your readers, but you lack how to deliver it. I know how painful it is, I’ve been there. All I just do in this situation is to leave the content until I find a better way to deliver it.
It is pointless when you want to talk about an event and you end up rambling about your outfit and how you almost didn’t go for the event. Or you want to write about a style and you end up sharing how you purchased the outfit instead.
Writing a good content have 3 briefs: discuss the keyword, state the problem, focus on the solution and probably ask your readers a question afterwards to be sure they understand you. And never forget to always include a call to action at the end of every post. This could be in form of a question based on the post, taking a poll, asking for social share, or joining a group.
5. Confusing your Blog Readers with Inconsistent Niche
If you are a lifestyle blogger, it’s understandable that you can cover as many topics as possible. But if your niche is focused say on Fashion, there’s no point writing about a movie review nor writing a fiction. When I want to read fashion posts, I visit Salmah, Princessaudu, and Leemah; for motivation Mide and Phaytea are my go to blogs; for DIY Tonye and Demi are my people, for downright humor and say it as it is, Amaka for the win, for fiction , Ibukun, and Funke makes me want to remain a writer.
These bloggers are known for their niche and you won’t find any post short of this on their blog. A reader is only visiting your blog because they know you to be an expert in a certain field. And a lot will not take you serious when you diversify. It will get worse when what you’ve written about is so shallow and below expectation.
If you’d diversify, it’s only proper to intimate your readers prior to this and make all the necessary changes possible. Add a new menu and include it in your blog tagline or about. That way, your readers are prepared for it.
I believe if you make these few changes as a blogger, you’d find for yourself engaging blog readers who would not think twice before joining your mailing list.
Which of these do you think you are guilty of? Which one turns you off the most when reading a blog post? Please do add yours in the comment section, I would love to read from you.
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Love this post as it allows you carry out an impromptu check on yourself. Wrong spelling and grammar affects the most of us. I guess the best option to always proof read after you’ve published a post.
Thank you for the link back Dear. I appreciate.
Exactly. A whole lot of us make this mistake without even knowing. We think we are experts without checking to figure out what we are doing wrong.
Most welcome dear 🖤
Awesome write… Not a blogger but even this is a good place to start… 👍
I’m glad you agree 🙏🏼 Thanks Sam 🖤
Great points raised. I particularly hate grammatical errors on a blog post and would not return to a blog if I happen to see quite a number on a blog post. Still struggling with the promotion part.
Life of Dammy
I struggle with the promotion part too, a lot of times I completely forget I have a new post. Thanks for stopping by, hun
I really needed this post, as I just came out of a deep rut. Thanks for this, dear
I’m glad you found it helpful. Most welcome dear
Nice post. This is very important. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for reading, Idris.
Lmao thank you for the shout out Deb! I definitely agree with these points, and I always ensure to check myself so my blog doesn’t start slipping.
Most welcome dear. Very important to check oneself 🖤
Great points here, I particularly love when a blogger sticks to a niche or can combine 2 or 3 related niches perfectly in a way that doesn’t make their blog look all over the place.
Subomi|My Fashion Musings
Exactly, and you end up confusing your readers in the process. Thanks for reading, Subomi
I left a comment but I don’t think it came through. I love this post Debs. You hit on some really interesting points.
It did come through, Gift. Thanks for stopping by.
I need to promote my self and my blog shamelessly even though sometimes it feels like I’m doing too much. The key is to be shameless about it. Thank you Deb for this awesome post.
You are right, Danie. There’s no reason to be ashamed about it. Thanks for stopping by ❤️
Excellent points. Thanks for sharing.